34 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 70 children and 87 grandchildren.

6 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 68 years.

23 of us spent a combined total of 73 years earning 5 Associates, 16 Bachelors, 9 Masters and 3 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 52 U.S. States or Territories and has also visited 42 foreign countries.

2 of us have birthdays this month, and 1 of us has a birthday in March.

Currently, 21 of us are retired.


Top Songs: 1972-1973

Alumni Profile Then Photo Now Photo Deceased E-mail on File

Name |


Profile |
Address |
Addabbo Erker, Linda
Verification Needed |
Ailstock, Rebecca
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Ainley, Ken
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Allen, Danny (Dan)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Allen, Wes
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Allred, Neil
Verification Needed |
Alwine, Robin
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Amos, Robert
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Anderson Silva, Cathy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Andrews Casselton, Gail
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Ange, Mike 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Angel, Dennis
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Annarino Hill, Tracy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Arseneau Brown, Cheryl
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Ascher Scott, Nancy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Atchison, Gregory
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Bach, Kenneth
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Bacuita Wilson, Beatriz 
Verification Needed |
Badonsky, Edward 
Verification Needed |
Badonsky Sansone, Fran 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Balance Maloney, Mary Ellen 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Baldwin, Ronald
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Bargy, Kevin 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Barham Guthrie, Rob (Rob)
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Barker, James
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Barnes, Michael
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Barnish Sullivan, Loretta
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Barrett West, Brenda 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Barrett Sutton, Elizabeth 
Verification Needed |
Bartley, Kevin
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Batdorf, Mark
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Beach, Michael
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Bell, Michael
Verification Needed |
Benjumea, Carlos
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Bertka Olwin, Roxana
Roxana has passed away. [Tribute] |
Biggs Amory, Alice
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Bjorkman Full, Jeanne
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Blackburn, Timothy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Bordone Norman, Mary
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Boyles, Rick
No Address - Help! |
Bradford Jiminez, Frances
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Braxton, Robert
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Brickhouse Grammer, Shirley
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Brinkley Fleeger, Sandra
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Brown, Alan
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Brown, Dennis
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Bryant Beachum, Cynthia 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Bufogle, Frederick
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Buhl, Mark
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Bulger Hunt, Debbie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Bundrick, David
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Butler, Jeanne 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Byrnes Jones, Leslie 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Byrum, Theresa
Verification Needed |
Callan O'Connor, Diane
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Campbell Hembree, Anne
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Campbell Leonard, Irene
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cando, Mark
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cando, Tony
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Carden, Mark 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Carlson Happle, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Carr, Kevin
Verification Needed |
Carroll Behnke, Teresa
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Carrop, Ralph
Ralph has passed away. [Tribute] |
Casey, Kevin 
Verification Needed |
Casey, Mike 
Verified in 2024 [update] |
Casey Montilla, Tracy 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Caudle, Walter
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cenderelli, Kathy
Kathy has passed away. [Tribute] |
Chappelle, Michael
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cherry, Patricia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Childress, Michael
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Christensen, Barbara
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cindy Hill, Milam
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Clemmons, Dwayne
Dwayne has passed away. [Tribute] |
Clifton, Jack
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cobbs, Cynthia (Cindi)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Coleman, Frederick 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Coles Kerekguarto, Lorrie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Collins Holzmacher, Brenda
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Collins, David (Dave)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Coltrane, Bettie
Verification Needed |
Cook Flowers, Sandy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Cooke, Bonnie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cooley, Randy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Cox Coit, Doreatha
Doreatha has passed away. [Tribute] |
Cristelli Cando, Elizabeth
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Crouch Corbett, Dorothy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Crutchfield Oldfield, Cynthia
Verification Needed |
Cutchins Kerr, Cecelia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dalby, Timothy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Daniels, John “Randy”
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Darst, Desiree
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dauer, Chirstopher
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Daughtrey, Lawrence
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Davis Austin, Cynthia
Cynthia has passed away. [Tribute] |
Davis, Jeffrey
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Davis, Jim
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Davis, Robert
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dekker Chapman, Miriam
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dial, Michael
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Dick Ward, Nan 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Dickson Burkett, Dana
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dinger Lewis, Sherry 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Dispenette, Janice
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Donnelly Greske, Nancy
Verification Needed |
Donovon, Patrick
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Doughtie Burns, Linda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Draper, Carmel
Verification Needed |
Dreano, Joseph (Joe)
Joe has passed away. [Tribute] |
Dressler Eason, Cynthia 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Dudley, James
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Dudley, Patricia
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Duff Beck, Julia (Judy)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Dulka, Patricia
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Dupuis, David
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Dupuis Rapp, Denise 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Early, Richard (Dickie)
Dickie has passed away. [Tribute] |
Eason, Tim 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Eberhardt Durand, Elaine
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Eger, Nancy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Elliott Pinion, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Emory Harris, Susan
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Escajeda, Sheila
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Evans, Allan
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Faison, David
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Fariss, Rene
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Farmer Lewis, Brenda
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Faulkenberry, Jim
Verification Needed |
Fellowes, Frederick (Ted)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Fisher, Michael
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Flader, David
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Forbush, Dean
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Foster, Robert (Bob)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Fragenberg, Kurt
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Franks, Lee
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
French, Mike
Mike has passed away. [Tribute] |
Frye, Brent
Brent has passed away. [Tribute] |
Gallond, Terrance
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Gallond, Timothy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Galvani Smith, Linda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Garcia, Gina
Gina has passed away. [Tribute] |
Garrison, David
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Garrison Barholm, Mary
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Gayheart Bowden, Gail
Verification Needed |
Geist, Shelia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Gelatdi, Michael
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Gibbons Shackelford, Regina
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Gibbs James, Karen 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Gillie, John
John has passed away. [Tribute] |
Giordano, Linda
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Giordano, Randall
Verification Needed |
Givens, Candace
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Givens Winesett, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Godfrey, Linda
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Goff Iannatti, Jill
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Gorman, Michelle
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Goss, Joseph (Joe)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Grace, Julia
Julia has passed away. [Tribute] |
Grant Eely, Lisa
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Greenberg, Larry 
Verification Needed |
Grey, Andrew
Andrew has passed away. [Tribute] |
Gurganus Copeland, Carol
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Hadley Early, Joanne
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Hall Roop, Carol 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Hall Rohr, Hollen 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Harkness, Charles
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Harper, Walter (Champ)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Harrell Harrell, Kim
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Harrington McCurley, Shelia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Harris Liljenvall, Jeanne
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Harris Class of 72?, Valerie
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Harrison, Bruce
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Harsh, Scott
Verification Needed |
Hause, Lois
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Heese, William (Bill)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Helsley, Steven
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Henderson, Harry
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Hendrix, Eddie
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Henry Parker, Mary
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Herring, Nancy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Hewitt Milan, Linda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Hills, Georgann
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Hoffman Malloy, Judy 
Verification Needed |
Holden, Matthew
Matthew has passed away. [Tribute] |
Holley Varner, Elaine
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Holmstrom Terry, Debra (Debbie)
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Holt, Roy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Houp, Janice
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Hueber, Dale
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Hughes, Billy
Verification Needed |
Huntington McLeod, Christy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Hurd Carpenter, Melissa
Melissa has passed away. [Tribute] |
Hurdis, Kari
Kari has passed away. [Tribute] |
Iguchi, Todd
Verification Needed |
Ingram McElroy, Rosalinda 
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Jackson Jones, Nancy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
James Grey, Laura
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Jaszewski, Karen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Jenkins, Fred
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Johnson Boltz, Joann
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Jones, Marcia
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Jones, Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis has passed away. [Tribute] |
Jones, Phillip
Phillip has passed away. [Tribute] |
Jones, Steven
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Jordan, Kerry 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Justice Duke, Jackie Lynn
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kane Miller, Dondura
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Kantner, Robert (Bob)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Keef, Richie
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Kehm, Cindy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Keller Anderson, Sharon
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kelly Baines, Joanne
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kennedy, William
William has passed away. [Tribute] |
King Sanson, Caron 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
King, Erica
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kingsbury Maddrey, Renelle
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Kirby, Robert (Bob)
Verification Needed |
Klucz Gallier, Donna
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kmiec, Frank 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Koehne Williams, Katherine 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Kohler Frear, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kretz Pike, Kathleen (Kathy)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Krone Benjumea, Mary Ann
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kruskop Smiley, Debra
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kupfer Nelson, Kathleen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Kyzer Myers, Susan
Verification Needed |
Lamdin, Sandra
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Lane Frey, Stephanie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Lawrence Bell, Debra
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Lawrence, Hartwell
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Lawton, Robert Bobby
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Leiderman, BJ 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Lewis, Kerry
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Lively, David
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Lombard Larmer, Laurie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Lopresti, Pamela
Pamela has passed away. [Tribute] |
Lucey Lamb, MaryBeth
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Lucey, Tom
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Lusk Scanlan, Sandra
Verified in 2022 [update] |
MacLeod, Johnny
Verification Needed |
Help! |
MacPherson, Robert
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Maercklein Heckler, Pamela
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Maggard, Ricky
Ricky has passed away. [Tribute] |
Magger Prince, Terri
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Mallory, David
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Malone, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Maloney, Michael
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Mangosing, Jack
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Marinelli Gerloff, Robin
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Marshall, Claude
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Martin Norman, Barbara
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Martini, Celeste 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Massey Enoch, Pamela
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Mastrangeli, Toni
Toni has passed away. [Tribute] |
Mathena, Tommy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
McBee, David
Verification Needed |
Help! |
McClenny Schweers, Debbora
Verification Needed |
Help! |
McCully McCully, Tish
Tish has passed away. [Tribute] |
McGanty, Ernie 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
McGrath, Howard
Verification Needed |
Help! |
McKee Whitt, Theresa (Terri)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
McSpadden Bridlove, Teresa
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Meador, Karen
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Michael, Kevin
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Midgett McGrath, Donna
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Mike, Carrop
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Miller, Debbie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Miller, Isaac
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Miller Tatum, Linda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Miller Patterson, Marie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Miller Waddicar, Renotta
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Milliken, Charles (Chuck)
Chuck has passed away. [Tribute] |
Mishkofski, Steven (Tim)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Mitchell Pringle, Leslie 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Moncrief Shade, Nina
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Moore Gowen, Deborah
Verification Needed |
Moore, Rick
Rick has passed away. [Tribute] |
Moorehead Ashley, Patricia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Moran Weir, Cathleen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Moran Salmon, Patricia (Pat)
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Moran, Timothy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Moreau Woodard, Cindy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Morrison Sprouse, Cheryl
Verification Needed |
Mosher, Lue
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Mulcare, Patrick
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Mulhearn Bonham, Deborah 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Munden, Annette
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Mustin Walker, Judy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Ness, Andrea (Kim)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nicholaou, Michael
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nichols, Beatrice
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nichols Norman, Helena
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nickerson Bess, Nancy (Patsy)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nicklas George, Judy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Nixon Zimmerman, Sherry
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Norton Boone, Susanne
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Norton, Timothy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
O'Neal, Gayle
Verification Needed |
Help! |
O'Neal, Robert
Verification Needed |
Help! |
O'Neal Brod, Sara
Verification Needed |
Help! |
o’Donnell, Richard
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Painter Walter, Irma
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Painter Haughn, Pat
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Papuchis London, Stella
Verification Needed |
Parker, Pamela
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Parrish Page, Stephanie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Parsons Wood, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Pate Wright, Nancy
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Help! |
Patterson, Claudia
Claudia has passed away. [Tribute] |
Patton, Dennis
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Paul Kuchem, Gail
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Pearson, Thomas (Tommy)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Peccia, John
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Phelp, Brian
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Phelps, Rick
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Piggott Vascherault, Claire
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Pinney, Barbara
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Piper, Tim
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Plisco, Loren
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Polhemus, Lee
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Pollock, Debra
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Porter, Kathy
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Possage, Gary
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Powell, Jr, George
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Prytulak Wilmouth, Vicki 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Pulley, Carolyn
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Pulley Salyers, Denise
Verification Needed |
Help! |
pulley, Joseph
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Raunser, Mark
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Rea, Terri
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Read, Daniel
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Reames, John (Bobby)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Reames Lewis, Susan
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Reitz, Steven
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Resavage Hidgon, Cecelia (Penny)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Rhodes Bailey, Patricia
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Rife, Karla
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Riggs, Lee
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Rissell, Peter
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Robbins, Rob
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Roberts, Cathy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Roberts Cranford, Cathy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Roberts, Eddie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Roberts, Leslie
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Roberts Kirkpatrick, Nancy 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Robinson Lee, Ora
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Rodgers Councill, Teresa 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Roper, David
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Rucka Connelln, Carol
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Rudy Utegg, Paula Jo
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Ruff Mordica, Maureen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Ruminski, Stephen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Rump Richendollar, Sylvia
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Russo, Lee Ann 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Rutledge, Roger
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Sabin Collins, Susan
Verification Needed |
Sager, Randy
Randy has passed away. [Tribute] |
Sallwasser Kirby, Mary Beth
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Salsbury Calvert, Beverly (Bev)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Savage Frey, Donna
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Sawyer, Timothy
Timothy has passed away. [Tribute] |
Schachtner, Dan
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Schleicher, Brenda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Schmalz Keene, Bridgett 
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Schmalz Keene, Bridgett
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Schopen, Linda
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Scott, Cindy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Scott Scott, DaveandBarbara
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Scott Woodard, Sandra 
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Sears Hughes, Patti
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Sears Smith, Terry
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Seites, Pamela
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Senters, Colleen
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Shears Pittman, Donna
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Sherman, Gerald
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Shewchuk, William
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Shirey Miller, Maureen 
Verification Needed |
Shoemaker, Garry
Verification Needed |
Sifen, Mike 
Verification Needed |
Simkins Everton, Margaret (Nita)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Simmons Barnes, Beth
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Sippes, John
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Slate, Michele (Michele)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Slaughter Black, Cynthia 
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Smiley, Micheal
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Smith, Edward (Bud)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Smith, Lloyd Kevin
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Smith Pagley, Robin
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Snell Mick, Lynn
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Spoons Spoons-Wood, Judith Michele
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Sprouse, Cheryl
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Spry, Jesse (Burt)
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Stacy, Anthony
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Stancil, James (Jim)
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Stanley, Terry
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Steffe, John (Jack)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Stephens, Brian
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Stewart, Phillip
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Stone Burton, Sherrie
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Stoner, Rebecka
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Stoner Parker, Rebecka (Becky)
Verification Needed |
Stowe, Dan
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Straight, Dorothy
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Strange, Allan
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Strange, Curtis
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Streett Simms, Lori
No Address - Help! |
Help! |
Stroud, Joal
Verification Needed |
Help! |
Swajger, Scott
Verification Needed |
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Swartz, Alex
No Address - Help! |
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Swartz, Carolyn
No Address - Help! |
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Sykes Covie, Debra
Debra has passed away. [Tribute] |
Tate Walker, Dorothy (Lou)
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Taylor Williford, Patricia (Patty)
Verified in 2022 [update] |
Teets Mahoney, Vickie
Verification Needed |
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Terry Nixon, Barbara
Verification Needed |
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Thomashefski Hawkins, Carol
Verification Needed |
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Thompson, Elizabeth
No Address - Help! |
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Thone Cadena, Scarlett
Verification Needed |
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Tignor White, Donna
Verification Needed |
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Tolison Woodard, Robin
Verification Needed |
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Trace, Janice
Janice has passed away. [Tribute] |
Trautman Sori, Susan
Verification Needed |
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Truxillo, David
David has passed away. [Tribute] |
Tuell, Jeff
No Address - Help! |
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Ullrich, Dorothy
No Address - Help! |
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Van Petten Moore, Karen 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Vanden Burg Willis, Cheryl
Verification Needed |
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Vanderheiden, Debbie
No Address - Help! |
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Vest, Debbie 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Vidallon, Rick
Verification Needed |
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Waldo Paschall, Mary Ann
Verification Needed |
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Walton, Talmadge (Tim)
Tim has passed away. [Tribute] |
Ward Devlin , Eileen 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Ward Anderson, Kathleen
Verification Needed |
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Watford Winn, Joyce
Verification Needed |
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Watson Melton, Nancy
Verification Needed |
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Weaver, Jeff
Verification Needed |
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Weidrick Nedland, Patty Joyce
Verification Needed |
White Flader, Nancy
Verification Needed |
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Wiggleton, Mark 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Wilcox, Mark
Verification Needed |
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Wild, Katherine
Verification Needed |
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Williams, Barbara
No Address - Help! |
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Williams Scullion, Carolyn 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Williams Bickers, Debra
Verification Needed |
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Williams, George
Verification Needed |
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Williams, Johnny
Johnny has passed away. [Tribute] |
Williams, Richard 
Verified in 2023 [update] |
Womack, David
Verification Needed |
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Woodall, Jere
Verification Needed |
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Woodall, Sandra
No Address - Help! |
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Woodward, John
No Address - Help! |
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Wright, David
Verification Needed |
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Yanus, James
Verified in 2023 [update] |
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